From 10/04/2024 To 10/04/2024
Starts at 16:00 until 17:30Science@DKFZ: Chromothripsis in cancer
- Address: DKFZ lecture hall , Heidelnerg - Germany
- Registration necessary: No
The next SCIENCE@DKFZ event of season VIII will take place as an in-person event in the DKFZ lecture hall. Snacks & drinks will be served afterwards for an informal get-together.
The DKFZ are looking forward to the keynote lecture given by PD Dr. Aurélie Ernst (FSP B) Chromothripsis in cancer as well as presentations of recently published highlight papers of DKFZ:
Chin Leng Tan (FSP D) Prediction of tumor-reactive T cell receptors from scRNA-seq data for personalized T cell therapy
Karol Gotkowski (FSP E) ParticleSeg3D: A scalable out-of-the-box deep learning segmentation solution for individual particle characterization from micro CT images in mineral processing and recycling.
This event also includes the Waltraud-Lewenz-Preis 2023 ceremony with a laudatory speech given by Prof. Dr. Juliane Walz Epigenetic therapies induced antigens – a novel class of immunotherapy targets.
More information you can find here.