Young Academics Conference
DKTK Young Academics Conference 2024

The Heidelberg Postdoc Symposium 2024 / DKTK Young Academic Conference 2024 will be on June 7th, 2024 at the DKFZ Communications Center in Heidelberg. For a full day highlighting Post Docs and their research acheivements. There will be poster sessions and invited short talks with prizes for the best presentations in each format. We encourage submissions from all areas of research. Our keynote speakers will include Dr. Daniel Mertens (AI Tools for Postdoctoral Researchers) whose talk will be tailored to your interests. Coffee breaks, lunch, and a networking dinnner are covered thanks to the support from the DKFZ, DKTK, and a grant from the Health+Life Sciences Alliance.
More information you can find here.
DKTK Young Academics Conference 2022
The DKTK School of Oncology Young Academics Conference 2022 took place as a hybrid event in conjunction with the DKFZ Postdoc Retreat on 5 and 6 May. Besides keynote lectures by Dr. Lisa Sevenich, Frankfurt, and Prof. Moritz Gerstung, DKFZ Heidelberg, workshops on the topics "Storytelling", "On the Way to a Career", "Effective Communication" as well as various other lectures and discussions on the research areas of the participating young scientists were part of the event.
In an exclusive workshop for DKTK fellows, Daniel Mertens spoke on May 6 from 08:45 - 12:15 on the interesting topic of "Taking Decisions": Which job to take? Which project to pursue? Which collaboration to start? We are faced with a continuous stream of choices to take and decisions to make. After this workshop, participants were more aware of the hardwired mechanisms underlying our decision making and can more mindfully manage their decisions and the involved processes.
DKTK Young Academics Conference 2019
The sixth meeting of the DKTK School of Oncology fellows was jointly held with the fellows of the DKFZ PostDoc Network (PDN) on November 4 – 5, 2019 at DKFZ. The retreat gave the opportunity to expand the network of young cancer researcher by presenting their own work and many socializing events. Furthermore, the young talents were invited to a variety of workshops, e.g. on visualization of scientific data, how to apply for external funding and career advice. One highlight represented the PEI-DKTK information day on the regulatory processes of clinical trials with 10 experts from the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute and the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM).
Press release about the PEI-DKTK Information Day (In German.).
Young Academics Retreat 2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic a physical DKTK Young Academics Conference will not be organized in 2020.
Instead, in collaboration with Schiller & Mertens a live online 3 half-days course about „How to start your own lab“ will be held for DKTK School of Oncology fellows. The course will be customized to meet the special requirements of the participants. Participation is free of charge.
Feedback from participants:
"The workshop was a delight. I learned multiple new tools which will help me to structure my projects, write a grant proposal, and deal with conflicts and negotiations"
- Dr. Ella Levit Zerdoun
"The workshop gave a lot of information about softskills like prioritization and communication that will be very helpful for my personal development and the interaction with colleagues in daily working routine."
- Dr. Tamara Werner
"The course was pretty inspiring and interesting"
- Roberto Würth, PhD
"The workshop provided a stimulating atmosphere, several exciting discussions and many approaches to overcome the daily challenges of a clinician scientist"
- Dr. Stefanie Kreutmair