Researcher Database

Prof. Dr. Dr. Melanie Börries
Director of the Institute of Medical Bioinformatics and Systems Medicine
Breisacherstr. 153
Exploitation of Oncogenic Mechanisms (EOM)
Molecular Diagnostics, Early Detection, and Biomarker Development (MDEB)
Molecularly Targeted Therapy (MTT)
The Institute of Medical Bioinformatics and Systems Medicine (IBSM) is well embedded into the local, national and international research landscapes. All over, our ambition is to convert high throughput big data into meaningful biological knowledge for improving patient outcome. Researchers with multidisciplinary backgrounds, from biology and bioinformatics to physics and mathematics, are working together to achieve this goal.
In Freiburg, we are working closely with university clinic where the Freiburg’s Molecular Tumor Board (MTB) was established. We built a “personalized decision making” pipeline, based on multi-omics approach including Whole Exome Sequencing, RNA sequencing and Methylome, to counsel clinicians on how to choose the most appropriate treatment for each patient. Together with the Institute for Transfusion Medicine and Gene Therapy, we are developing bio-informatics pipelines to quantify the off-target activity of nucleases such like CRISPR-Cas or TALEN.
To get a better understanding of complex mechanisms like the ones driving cancer proliferation and invasion, or those behind immune-mediated pathology, we are participating and analyzing data from several national and international consortia such like the SFB/CRC 850, SFB1160 IMPATH, COMPASS for pancreatic cancer, DeCaRe for zebrafish heart regeneration.
(Grünwald BT, Devisme A, Andrieux G, et al. Spatially confined sub-tumor microenvironments in pancreatic cancer. Cell. 2021)