Strategic Initiatives
JIP (DKTK Joint Imaging Platform)
Program: Funding Line: strategic initiative Project type: technology platform Entity: multiple entities Status: current
Distributed IT Infrastructure for Multicenter Cohort Analysis in Imaging
The Joint Imaging Platform aims to introduce a technical infrastructure which enables modern and decentralized research in the field of imaging within DKTK. The main focus is on using and evaluating modern machine learning methods for oncological (medical) research projects. In line with CCP-IT and RadPlanBio, JIP also constitutes a strategic initiative within DKTK. The common infrastructure will strengthen the cooperation between the participating hospitals as well as multicenter studies.
Imaging procedures within radiology and nuclear medicine play an increasingly important role in cancer research, both in diagnostics and treatment monitoring of oncological diseases. This field is developing constantly and quickly. The enormous progress in the evolution of artificial intelligence also leads to considerable development in radiological research. The automatic analysis of image data, such as tumor characterization by means of Radiomics, enables the extraction of the most diverse and highly complex information. Afterwards, this information can be correlated with clinical data in order to obtain new findings regarding diseases or even to evaluate the individual treatment situation (Precision Medicine).
In this context, the JIP complies with the highest data protection requirements as it focuses on the distribution of processing methods (algorithms) instead of personal data. The local image data are protected with a state-of-the-art encryption system and are stored within the clinical IT infrastructure of the individual locations at any time. In case data exchange might be necessary within the context of multicenter studies, this can be done – upon the patients‘ agreement - in a pseudonymized way.
More information can be accessed via the website of the "Joint Imaging Platform".
Involved Partnersites
Berlin, Dresden, Essen/Dusseldorf, Frankfurt/Mainz, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Munich, TubingenCoordinators

Prof. Dr. Heinz-Peter Schlemmer

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Bioinf. Jens Kleesiek
University Medicine Essen