Project overview Joint Funding
EPIC-G8 (GeparOcto-methylation profiling)
Program: MDEB Funding Line: UPGRADE Project type: study-related research project Entity: breast cancer Status: completed
Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a particularly aggressive breast cancer subtype. Unlike other breast cancers, little is known about potential markers that could predict the success of chemotherapy prior to surgery or survival in TNBC. In our study, we investigated whether DNA methylation, a specific modification of the genetic code, could predict the course of disease in TNBC patients. Using our approach, we were able to identify four subtypes. However, these subtypes only had limited power in predicting response to chemotherapy and were not linked to patient survival. Other methods such as RNA analysis performed slightly better but also failed to demonstrate prognostic value. Our data show that established genetic assays are poorly predictive of disease progression in TNBCs and motivate future efforts to combine more complex approaches to improve the treatment of TNBC patients.
Involved Partnersites
Berlin, Heidelberg, MunichCoordinators