Print PagePrecision medicine and transgene T cells: 6th Munich Cancer Retreat in Herrsching am Ammersee

This year`s annually retreat focused on the DKTK research programs Molecularly Targeted Therapy MTT, Exploitation of Oncogenic Mechanisms EOM as well as Radiation Oncology and Imaging ROI. The most recent research results were presented as talks and posters and were extensively discussed among PIs, PostDocs and PhD/MD students, biologists and physicians. The presented Joint Funding projects showed the jointly achieved research progress between the DKTK partner sites and the significant contribution of cancer researchers in Munich to consortial DKTK research efforts.
In addition, Cancer Core structures in Munich were presented: to make clinical data and biomaterials available for new research approaches as well as new clinical studies, the IT task forces of the Clinical Communication Platform CCP and the CCC München (Comprehensive Cancer Center München) will further strengthen their common activities. Clinician Scientists and Medical Scientists are trained in translational oncology in the School of Oncology by e.g. receiving travel grants or by participating in structured research rotations. Further short term rotations between clinics in Munich are planned as well.
As in previous years, the participants of the retreat could vote for the best talk and poster. The talk of Carolin Prexler (Burdach lab at MRI // Radiogenomic analysis of Ewing sarcoma reveals association of glucose uptake with NPY signaling skewing from receptors 1/5 towards receptors 2/5) was selected as Best Highlight Talk. With even votes, the Best Poster Award was awarded to Sebastian Vosberg (Greif lab at KUM // Somatic mutations IDH1/2, TET2, or WT1 but not DNMT3A define an epigenetic subgroup of acute myeloid leukemia probably associated with early relapse) and Maria Reinecke (Küster lab at TUM // The target landscape of 1,100 kinase inhibitors).
Young scientists had their own session with the topic Career Development: Combining research, clinic, stay abroad and a family – fact or fiction? In addition, opportunities for third party funding at Deutsche Krebshilfe DKH were presented.
The two days of the 6th Munich Cancer Retreat were closed with the award ceremony, where all three award winners received their prices. Additional pictures of the retreat can be found at the TeamSite München.
SAVE THE DATE: 7th Munich Cancer Retreat