Print Page10th Munich Cancer Retreat

Due to the anniversary, this year's presence retreat took place in new surroundings at Hohenkammer Castle north of Munich, and in addition to science, there was also a Bavarian Olympics with disciplines such as chicken toss with frying pan, cow milking and potato cricket.
The young scientists received insights from D. Busch (German Center for Infection Research, DZIF) on his experiences with company spin-offs in the medical field. J. Kapeller and A. Kaya Copur from the DKFZ Grants Office gave a detailed overview on how to boost your career with third-party funding and enabled one-on-one discussions on specific issues afterwards.
Further presentations on the DKTK research programs Exploitation of Oncogenic Mechanisms (EOM), Molecular Targeted Therapies (MTT) and Cancer Immunotherapy (CI), as well as Joint Funding projects were discussed intensively. The presentation of Sabine Oganesian (Cancer- and Immunmetabolism, LMU University Hospital Munich, Theurich lab) was chosen by the participants as the best presentation in the field of young scientists. For the presentation of her research project, Amelie Muth (Translational Cancer Immunology, LMU University Hospital Munich, Subklewe lab) won the prize for the best poster. Both PhD students received a travel grant.
Due to the death of the DKTK Munich spokesperson Wilko Weichert two days before the 10th Munich Cancer Retreat, the focus was not only on scientific translation. The retreat took place in the spirit of Wilko Weichert, who had actively helped to plan it. Memorial speeches and a minute of silence honored his great services to the partner site Munich and the entire DKTK. In addition, the 'Wilko Weichert Run&Walk' took place, which will be repeated annually.
Further pictures can be found on the TeamSite Munich (internal link DKTK Munich).
Save the date: MCR11