From 15/10/2024 To 15/10/2024

Starts at 14:00 until 18:00

GHGA Public Symposium 2024

  • Address: Heidelberg / Virtual - Germany
  • Language: English
  • Registration necessary: Yes

This year's symposium will focus on "Sharing Human Genome and Phenome Data in Germany and Beyond" and it is embedded in the GHGA Annual Meeting 2024.

The symposium will bring together leading experts, researchers, and stakeholders from diverse fields to discuss the latest advancements, challenges, and opportunities in the field.

Speakers and topics include:

  • Serena Scollen (GDI, ELIXIR, EMBL-EBI): Towards cross-border access to human genomes at scale
  • Annette Peters (NAKO, Helmholtz Munich): German National Cohort – Status and novel development
  • Juliane Fluck (NFDI4Health, ZBMed): NFDI4Health – Services of the National Research Data Infrastructure for personal health data
  • Andreas Till (MV GenomSeq, BfArM): The German Model Project Genome Sequencing – Current Status and Perspective
  • The program will be complemented by two talks giving an overview on “GHGA - From Vision to Implementation”

The Symposium will be held in a hybrid format, but we encourage you to join us in person for more in-depth discussions. This will be a great opportunity to explore these topics together in greater detail. We hope to see you there.

For virtual participation, please register here.

For in person participation, please register here.

More information you can find here